Final Five 2024
We are delighted to present our Final Five for 2024.
The Grants Committee have thoroughly assessed all the applications and now present these projects for you to choose the two that appeal most to you for your votes.
They are presented in no particular order.
Prefer to watch? Click the link to watch the Final Five event presentations from the five charities on our YOU TUBE channel.
Whakatipu Rowing Club
Whakatipu Rowing Club’s “Impact100 Indoor Training Space”: Part of a broader redevelopment initiative, the “Impact100 Indoor Training Space” will offer year-round training facilities for health and wellness activities accessible to all ages, fostering community engagement and supporting local recreational groups.
Southern Lakes Sanctuary
Southern Lakes Sanctuary Trust’s Returning Takahē to the Rees Project: Committed to the long-term protection of the critically endangered takahē, SLS is preparing for a release of these iconic birds in February 2025. Their project focuses on habitat protection through predator control and the creation of the "Impact100 Turk" in the Rees Valley to aid monitoring efforts during this vital initiative.
“Tuning into Kids” and “Tuning into Teens” Parenting Programmes: These
evidence-based programs strive to promote emotional intelligence and connection among
families. By focusing on parents of adolescents and primary school-aged children, ADL aims to enrich emotional regulation, through a series of parenting programmes. This will ultimately strengthen family bonds within the growing Whakatipu community.
Citizens Advice Bureau
Citizens Advice Bureau Queenstown’s Community Lifeline Project: Responding to a 40 percent increase in demand for help, CAB aims to launch a year-long pilot project focused on supporting individuals in crisis in the Wakatipu who may not qualify for social security support, particularly those in our migrant community.
Glenorchy Trails Trust
Glenorchy Trails Trust’s Buckler Burn Trail – Phase 2: GTT has been instrumental in developing sustainable walking and cycling trails in Glenorchy. Their proposal seeks to extend an existing trail from Glenorchy to the Whakaari Conservation area with the addition of a cycle bridge over the Bucklers Burn. This will in turn foster recreation opportunities for the Glenorchy community, eco-friendly tourism and local economic growth.